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Glenville Senior Citizens

32 Worden Road
Scotia, NY 12302
(518) 374-0734
Linda Reinhart
Vicki Hillis

The Best of the Best
Senior Center 2024
Glenville is proud to operate one of the most active senior centers in the region. Built in 1997 through a combination of town support, local grants and fundraising, the Glenville Senior Center houses the Scotia-Glenville Senior Citizens, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Jaqueline Dunbar
Nancy Friguletto
Phyllis Gatta
William Johnsen
Mary Lou Keenan
Ronald Manocchi
Mary Jane (Peg) Moser
Beryl Rockwell
"Giving Tree" 2024
Thank you to our membership who provided holiday gifts to 102 of our community members who are living at the Baptist and Glendale nursing homes. Robert Kirkham, acting Town Supervisor was present at the send off.

Veteran's Dinner 2024
AARP Tax Preparation Assistance
AARP Tax aide volunteers will return in 2025 with free electronic tax preparation service for qualified taxpayers. Pick up an AARP envelope at the desk (beginning January 15) to establish an appointment between February 3 and April 11. Complete the form and follow the envelope instructions concerning documents needed to complete your tax return.
If you are a homeowner bring your county and school tax bills for 2024 as well. At this time it is unclear if NYS will continue the homeowner tax credit that some seniors qualified for in the past.

Snow Closings and Delays

Winter is Coming!
Keep our carpets clean, floors dry and safe!
Please change from wet or snowy boots or shoes when entering the Center. This is especially important when taking exercise classes since wet floors are slippery.
Eyeglass Donation Change
Unfortunately, we no longer accept eyeglass donations. Please drop off your old glasses at the Wal-Mart Vision Center.

Glenville Senior Meal Site
The Center's meal site is open daily offering a fuss free easy access to a nutritious meal.
It is not income based.
Contribution: $2.00.
Registration is required.

How it all began!
Disaster Preparedness Guide
for Older Adults
Senior Moments Mailing Party
Thursday, February 20th
9 AM
Come join us for our mailing party as we prepare the Senior Moments newsletter for mailing. Volunteers perform the vital task of folding the newsletters and applying the pre-printed address labels for mailing. We meet in the Dining Center and complete the task usually within 1.5 hours. Refreshments will be served. Come join us and have some fun.

Social Committee
First Tuesday of the month at 1 pm
The committee meets to plan events such as the ice cream social, senior picnic, veteran's appreciation lunch and holiday party. We need more volunteers. Committee members take on tasks such as gathering information, shopping for the event, setting up tables and chairs and working at the event. Ideas are always welcome. If you are interested in being on this committee or chairing it, please leave your name at the front desk.
Decorating Committee
The decorating committee helps to bring color and interest to the building as people enter to participate in all our activities. They meet each month focusing on the library, main lobby and the rec room. Consider joining the Decorating Committee.
Sunshine Committee
Do you know any member who is recovering from an illness/operation or the family of a member who has died? Or maybe a member who could use an extra ray of sunshine? We will send a card or make a phone call to let people know that they are in our thoughts and are special to us. Contact Lori Preddice at the center.
A Note from the Scotia Historian
Several initiatives are coming up in 2025: the Erie Canal Bicentennial and start to the USA 250th, projects to reopen the Flint House to the publish and reviving the Scotia Historical Society.
We will need people to help plan and staff events; search historic topics; share skill at an event, lecture, or class; scan and photograph collections; do handyman and gardening.
If you are interested in finding out about these plans - or you know a younger adult or teenager who is looking for a project - send me your email address. I will let you know what ideas we are working on and when we have meetings scheduled.
I hope to hear from you!
Beverly Clark,
Display Case
Past Display Case Collections
Be sure to check out the display case in the library to see some unique collections.
November/December display will by "Christmas Dishes"
by Lynn DeCarlo
by Jean Taylor
by Julie Lombardo
If anyone has a collection that they would like to share, please call leave a message at the front desk. Remember, the case is lighted and always locked.

Check out some new pictures!
Photo Gallery

Van Transportation
For senior residents of Glenville and Scotia only. Senior Center membership not required. Our van must stay within Glenville/Scotia.
On request pickup and delivery. Call 518-374-0734 M-F between 9 am and noon at least a day ahead (up to two weeks ahead) to reserve space and schedule a ride to take you on your errands: to the barber or hairdresser, Walmart, grocery store, bank, etc. within the town.
The van operates Monday through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm.
Donations are gratefully accepted to help defray costs.
The center cannot offer transportation to medical appointments.
Please be mindful of your fellow van riders and be prompt for your pickup times.
We need Drivers and Dispatchers: Be a substitute driver or dispatcher. Call Maureen Adamek at the Center for information.

Senior Moments Advertising
For information or a form to place an ad in our Senior Moments Newsletter, please go to our wevsit at www.scotiaglenvillesenior.org ir vusut tge Front Desk. Ads busubess card-s9zed horizontal format (3 1/2" wide 2" wide are priced at $50.per issue or 6 issues for a year at $250. Payment due at time of submission.

Barbara Jones