YMCA Class
Classes run on a month to month basis. Check bulletin board for details.
Please note that you do not need to be a YMCA member to participate.
Balance: Tuesdays, 9:15 AM As we age, we lose our balance. The good news is that with practice, we can retain our brains and bodies to improve our balance! This class strengthens key muscles, goes through balance drills, and provides tricks to help improve balance. Sessions run per month and cost depends upon the number of Tuesdays in the month.
Strength: Mondays, 10:30 AM
A sculpt class designed for seniors using resistance bands, tubing and hand weights to keep your muscles and bones strong! Sessions run per month and cost depends upon the number of Mondays in the month. Registration forms available at the front desk.
Registration forms available at the front desk and under Documents and Links. Please complete separate checks for each participant, even husband and wife.
No Y membership required.
Zumba Gold Chair
Wednesdays, 9:05 am
(low/mediun intensity) * Zumba Gold Seated is perfect for those with mobility or balance issues as it is done in a chair. *The design of the classes introduces easy-to-follow Zumba choreography that have been brilliantly adapted for chair exercise. Each class is different, as it is adapted to fit the ability and range of motion of the participants. But the main focus is on having fun! No dance experience needed. Cost:$5 per class.
Zumba Gold
Mondays, 9:15 am
Fridays, 9:15 am
Exciting Latin and International dance rhythms taught here for senior and beginners. Easy to follow, so any age and any fitness level can do it! This fun Latin dance program includes merengue, salsa, cha-cha, calypso, and rock and roll. Guaranteed to provide the participant with a safe and effective total body workout.
Cost: See instructor. Please make checks payable to Kathy Gautie.
Chair Yoga
Wednesdays, 10:00- 10:45 am
(1/8 - 1/29), 4 week session, $20 per session,
(2/5 - 2/26), 4 week session, $20 per session
Thursdays, 9:05 - 9:50
(1/2 - 1/30), 5 week session, $25.00 per session
(2/6 - 2/27), 4 week session, $20.00 per session
Instructor Chris Darby- King
Payment due to instructor on the first day of class.
Cash or checks payable to the instructor
Participants will be guided through a series of stretches and yoga postures that are modified while sitting in a chair. A minimal amount of standing and balancing will also be included utilizing the chair for support. Each class will also include breath awareness techniques and guided relaxation. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing for ease in movement. If you have an old necktie or stretchy strap, please bring it to class.
*A completed waiver is required for class. These waivers are available on the Senior Center website and will also be available at each class.
Please email cdarbyking@aol.com with any questions.
Gentle Yoga
Wednesdays, 2:30 - 3:15
(1/8 - 1/29) 4 week session, $20 per session
(2/5 - 2/26) 4 week session, $20 per session
Payment due to instructor on first day of class.
Cash or checks payable to Linda Rockinger.
This Gentle Yoga class is for all levels, including beginners. Learn safe ways to improve flexibility without straining joints. Also learn breath awareness and be guided through brief meditation. Please wear loose, comfortable clothes and bring our own mat. Other supports like bolsters and blocks will be provided.
Waiver forms are required. Limit 12 students per class. Email Linda at crockinger@yaho.com with any questions.
MVP Intermediate
Tai Chi
Wednesdays, 1:15 - 2:00 pm
1/8 - 6/12
The benefits of Tai Chi can include improved balance, flexibility, fall prevention, and muscle strength. The program is free and open to the public, compliments of MVP Health Care. Space is limited and registration is required. Register at www.mvphealthcare.com/calendar/
Tai Chi Practice
Tuesdays, 9 - 10 am
We are a group of Tai Chi enthusiasts who meet weekly to practice together. Members bring their own experience and skills to share. We warm up gently with9 easy stretches. We practice the Sun form that is taught in the MVP class as well as the popular Yang 24 form. We close with Qigong, stationary movements with deep breathing. You are welcome to join us, whatever your level of skill.
Offered to members only, no cost.
Beginner Tai Chi
Wednesdays. 11 am
Join us for a free Beginner Gentle Tai Chi class. Tai chi (standing or seated) is a relaxing exercise suitable for anyone interested in improving their health - it can help you improve your balance, cardiovascular function and blood pressure and handle stress. Come learn the ancient art of tai chi and then stay for lunch.
Reserve you lunch by calling 518-382-8481 ext. 1302.
Tai Chi
Fridays, 10:30 - 11:30 am
(2/7 - 4/4) 8 weeks, No class on 2/21
Students in this class will learn the Yang Family 16 form Tai Chi movements. This routine is very good for balance, structure and coordination. The total cost is $56.00 paid in full on the first day of class. Please contact Tony Grimaldi certified instructor from New Moon Tai Chi at 518-469-4461 to register. This class is for seniors 50 and over and members of the Glenville Senior Center.